I am creating a rather complex survey, which requires multiple layers of randomisation, and wondered if anyone could help me figure out how to do this!
I have 8 DCEs, forming 8 different treatment conditions. Each of these DCEs is built from 12 blocks of 4 choice tasks (using NGene design).
I can so far randomly assign each respondent to one of the 8 treatment conditions, and then one of the 12 blocks within this treatment condition, by using two decks one after the other and using derived values to create design offsets for each block.
However, I would like each respondent to see 3 blocks, from three different treatment conditions (e.g. block 4 from treatment group 3, block 5 from treatment group 1, block 11 from treatment group 8).
Can I use Decks to achieve this? - Essentially, I need to be able to draw 3 numbers without replacement, rather than 1 at a time, to ensure that any one respondent sees 3 different blocks from 3 different treatment groups. Or is there an easier way?
Thank you!