Adding Mouseover text

How can I implement the mouse-over feature?

Insert this code in codeview to get a simple rollover :
<p>Hello, please hover <abbr title="This text will come up if you hover">HERE</abbr>. Thanks.

Is it also possible to implement the mouse-over function for the experiment? We have thirteen different attributes in our BWS and it is quite challenging to remember them all. Or is there otherwise a way to go back to the description text page of the attributes?

Sure - Nayara’s suggestion above will work for the attribute labels.
If you want these simple rollovers on the levels - first click the html editor button that looks like
Preformatted text </>

There are more advanced ways of doing this in the tutorials (Software Tutorials - SurveyEngine GmbH). Tutorials 11 and 22.

Hi, The mouseover text in my survey is not working for mobile phones. It works for other devices. Is there a reason for this?